This is the post for the Wednesday, July 8, 2015 class meeting.
Readings for July 8
For today’s session, please read the following:
- The assignment for Project 1: Professional Biographies.
- Read some tips on writing biographical statements for Project 1.
Work for July 8
Today, we begin work on the first major project in the course. Please complete these tasks:
If you have not registered on the forums, follow the instructions in the 7/7 post to do so by 11:55 PM today. I will turn off open forum registration at midnight to lock out the spammers. Forum posts are part of your participation grade for the course.
Discuss the advice on writing bio statements in the Readings for Project 1 topic in the forums.
Begin making plans for your first project. You will post some preliminary details on your audience and purpose tomorrow.
If you have any questions (today or in the future) about the assignment, go to the Questions about Project 1 topic in the forum and add them. You can skim through this topic for answers as well.
When I’ll reply to any questions: I am at West Virginia University this week, at a digital publishing and accessibility seminar. I am in sessions during the day. Look for replies after 9 PM Eastern.